30 of the Best Affirmations

I absolutely love affirmations. It’s what kept me going when I was studying during the Matric exams (like a 100 years ago), what kept me motivated while studying at varsity and what kept me focussed on what is important when I had some health challenges towards the end of last year. I’ve put together a couple of my favourite affirmations for you and hope that they will encourage you and keep you focussed as it did for me.

A really nifty way to use these affirmations is to select your top3 and set a reminder on your phone. I do this for myself each year and ask all my coaching clients to do the same.

You could print some of them out onto beautifully coloured paper or backgrounds and frame them. Make collage or even post them on instagram. Whatever works for you.

The best part is that these affirmations will be delivered straight to your inbox over the next 30 days, for FREE!

Get your affirmations here