How coaching works

I want to work with people who are interested in making an impact in the world and not just chasing money. If your highest motivation is to only make money, then we are probably not a match.

My clients care about the work they do and want to leave a legacy, not just for their children, but also the generation after that and the next. They want to make the world a better place to live in and know that work is not the only thing. They honour their highest values and create amazing results from a place of authenticity, respect and ethics. They also believe that in order to succeed one needs to take care of mind, body and spirit in equal measures.

You’re an ideal client if:

  • Realises that in order to grow, one can’t do it on your own.
  • They crave time and space to think things through.
  • Wants someone to challenge their thinking.
  • Is in a Senior Managerial or Executive position or is the CEO of their business.
  • Works in an environment that is constantly changing and they need to adapt at a fairly rapid pace.
  • Is someone who has in depth technical expertise in a particular area and has allready achieved success. They know what it means to work hard.
  • Is likely more introverted and may worry about their levels of anxiety increasing because of everything they want to implement.
  • They don’t have time to waste and want to get to the point quickly.
  • Plays full out even if they are scared.
  • They are easily able to pay the coaching fee on time each month. (If you are worried about the fee, then this is not for you.)

How it works

  • Let’s get on the phone and establish if we are a match. You can do this by booking an introductory session through my calendar. This session allows me to establish in what ways I can assist you and there is no obligation to continue should we not be a match.
  • I might extend an offer to work with you.
  • You are either a Hell Yes, or a Clear No. There is no in between.
  • If it’s not a match, I’ll be clear about that and indicate what alternatives are available.
  • Once you indicate that you are a Hell Yes, you become a client.
  • I’ll send you the relevant agreement and documentation.
  • Our sessions take place via Zoom, so you can have access to me no matter where you are in the world.
  • You will take responsibility to schedule your calls well in advance.
  • Prior to your first coaching session, I’ll ask you to complete a comprehensive questionnaire so we can hit the road running.
  • Each week you will let me know via email, what you’ve celebrated and what challenges you’ve faced.


A 6 – 9 month coaching program for leaders in organisations. See more details here.


Lead Like A Hero

This is a specific 12 week learning and coaching experience for leaders who want to up their game and lead like hero. See more details here.


Let’s have a conversation to determine what program is the right fit for you.


Schedule your call here

Judy Janse van Rensburg