We now that our emotions, attitudes and beliefs can affect our bodies and physical health. Tons of research have been done in this area. Today the science of understanding the mind-body connection is called PsychoNeuroImmunology or PNI for short.
What is PNI exactly?
According to Orr & Patient (2004), PNI examines how your coping styles, emotions, attitudes and the events of your life affect your body’s nervous system, hormones, immune system and, ultimately, your health. It examines a range of effects that psychosocial events have on health. Psychosocial events include your thoughts and feelings combined with social situations. If you are interested in some scientific evidence you may want to read Psychoneuroimmunology by Robert Ader and Molecules of Emotion by Candace Pert.
So why do people find it so hard to believe?
What most people find challenging, is how what you think can have an impact on your body at a cellular level. Emotions are not always what they seem. Emotions are really chemical processes that happen in the brain. We know that “stressing” about something over an extended period of time can lead to health issues. People often experience high blood pressure, sleeplessness, over stimulated adrenal glands, increase in cholesterol, skin rashes, etc.
Can I teach my brain to be nice to my body?
In the NEXT EVOLUTION, I teach specifically how we can master our bodies and mindset to become bulletproof against any challenge that life throws at us. I’ve been through a significant number of life stresses myself. Everything from physical illness, “depression”, dealing with a brother’s suicide through to the passing of my Dad at a young age. Initially I thought that I would never get through these situations, but I did. We often tend to ask ourselves “Why is this happening to me or why is it happening now?” One of the key lessons I’ve learned in these times is to ask a different question:
What am I supposed to learn from this situation?
To think that we can avoid all difficult life situations, would be magical thinking. We do however have the ability to choose how we respond in these situations. We can better prepare for these situations by focusing on cultivating a so-called bulletproof mindset. A mindset that allows you to “handle” every situation that comes your way and speed up “recovery” time significantly. Your brain does not know what is real and what is fiction. Like a sponge, it absorbs everything. Whatever you tell it, it’s going to believe and action. So if you tell your brain, I’ll handle it, you can.